Two nights ago I finally felt the little one moving inside that growing bump. Funny how much more attached the little 'muscle spasm-like' feelings have made me. I have finally begun to 'nest' at least a little bit. I went with a couple girl friends to shop for maternity clothes and start our registry at BabysRUs! So that was lots of fun and definitely got me in the 'nesting' mood. The only problem is now that I am totally stumped on baby bedding and I feel like I can't move very far with the whole 'nursery' part until I get that figured out. Of course, this wouldn't be AS difficult if we knew what gender we were having, but Lee & I can't help it--we love surprises!
God has been working in my heart so much lately. I can really only attribute it to the power of His Word and not to any of my own human abilities or discipline. I have been in the Word on a daily basis and it is truly transforming me, my perspective, my world view, and life at large. When I first found out that we were going to have a baby I felt like I saw my dreams for a career go up in smoke. I wasn't sure how to process the conflicting desires I always knew would one day hit me square in the face. I wanted to stay home with the baby when it came, but I was battling with fears of boredom and dissatisfaction. Since returning from Mexico, however, The Lord & His transforming Word have totally changed me. I'm not saying I don't want to pursue a career someday--I still have dreams I know The Father has given me and I know He is not finished with His work in me.
Staying at home has taken on a new and wonderful blessing form. A few days before we left for Mexico my 'long-term sub' position I had been in unexpectedly ended. As disappointing as it was, it was truly a blessing in disguise. I came home from Mexico and had time to myself to put our house in order, get settled back in, and have a great friend visit for the week while she was in town for work. I have also been getting all my homework done in advance! This has been a huge stress relief & blessing. My days at home have been productive and have even been successful in the areas of cooking and cleaning! Can you believe that!? Now if that isn't a testament to the life-changing power of Christ then I don't know what is. ;)
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