One Year Today and a Baby on the Way. . .

In honor of our first anniversary I wanted to post the letters we wrote to each other and our vows.
Lee's letter to me:
Here I stand before you, just moments away from being pronounced your husband. My heart is overwhelmed with so many emotions that are all centered around the thought of spending the rest of my life with you. I wanted to take a few moments to share with you my vision of what you can expect from me in our future together. First & foremost, I will love you deeper with each day no matter what comes our way. I will find new ways to show you this love & work hard to sustain it. I will not take what we have for granted or expect it to just stay the same. I will listen to you & always try to understand you, while not trying to fix everything. I will respect your opinions, thoughts, and ideas as if they were my own. I will cherish every type of emotion we share together--whether it be laughing or crying. I will support you & encourage you as you begin a vocation in the years to come.
I will also fail you at some point, for I am human, but I will work real hard and make it up to you. I will be faithful and honest for I never want to you hurt you. I will work hard to keep God in the center of our relationship and family. I will be eager to serve you and protect you just the same. I will be open to leaning on you when I am weak and humble enough to show you that side. From this day forward, you have my heart and will forever be my greatest love, second only to our Lord and Savior.
My letter to Lee:
Dear Lee, a year ago I would have never guessed that I would be standing here today. In a few moments we'll make vows to one another full of great promise in which I will mean every word. I wish that I could promise to you that I will always give you perfect, selfless love, but I can't promise you perfection. What I can promise you is this: Everyday I will love you more than I did the day before, you will always have a friend in me, and no matter how much we may disagree or have bad days I will never ever leave you. We have both had our share of heartache, love that has failed us, and dreams that have crumbled, and while none of that pain can be justified, today our God has redeemed it. I will love you forever.
The vows-a few words were added in the actual ceremony and I've inserted these in parenthesis:
I promise to be your constant friend, faithful partner in life and ministry, and your one true love. Today in the eyes of our Faithful Lord and all these (good wet) people, I make these sacred promises.
I promise to keep a (my excellent) sense of humor, to forgive quickly, and to stay by your side in sickness and in health, in great joy and in deep sorrow, through good times and the bad.
I promise to love you without reservation.From this day forward, I give myself to you completely.Wherever you are will be home.As long as we both shall live
It rained during our ceremony, but it was more than okay. That sun peaked out as we said our vows and all of the guests just said it was the Holy Spirit anointing all of us. :)
We sure have had an eventful first year. Transitioning was hard, learning to live with one another was quite an adjustment, and we faced a few obstacles, but we have learned to cherish every moment and trust The Lord with it all. In recent months The Lord has blessed fervently our joint pursuit of Him & His ways. At six months married we found ourselves with some surprising news: a little Lee & Sara Jo was on the way! Boy was this some big news that we felt a little less than ready for. But in the past few months God has done a great work in our hearts and in our marriage. We had struggled with feeling like we never got our 'honeymoon stage'--probably bc we kicked off our honeymoon with me puking the whole trip--but the past few months have truly been a gift from God in letting us taste that newness and romance once again. It has only made us more excited to bring a little person into our lives and start a family together.
Lee-I wouldn't even trade the hard times, thank you for an incredible love and friendship. You're such a blessing. I love laughing with you and being ourselves together. I am so excited to go on our anniversary dinner tonight. It's going to be amazing, just like all the years to come. And in a few months when our little one arrives, I have no fear that you are going to be a great Dad. I love you forever & always, no matter what.

Happy Anniversary! What a year you have had! And now you've been blessed with a little one!
ReplyDeletewe love you guys so much!