Guadalajara, Mexico
Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news...
Our time in Guadalajara was absolutely incredible. We saw God show up in a real and active way as he took what little we had to offer and used it for His Glory. Registered attendees for our sports camp started with a mere, but wonderful, 2 on the first day. It grew to 6 by the fourth day. However, we had nearly a dozen of the individuals from the RETO Church Youth Group come to help translate and play games with us. So, we ministered to them, as well! And truthfully, they ministered to us just as much.
Lee would say he went to Guadalajara and saw true joy in the face of an Angel. Which he did. Angel, 13 years old, attended every day of sports camp with his younger brother Alex who is 12. They were so much fun!
We had the opportunity to work with some amazing missionaries and followers of The Lord. We didn't have a revival of the local neighborhood or even have one child create a new relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal savior, but we loved! Boy did we love! And God blessed us.
He reminded all of us of the vital importance of bringing our lives under the authority of Christ--all parts of our lives--and we learned a great deal about true Christian community when we saw God unify a demographically and ethnically diverse group of individuals on a small outdoor basketball court in Guadalajara.
Lee & I had the amazing opportunity of witnessing God at work in the lives of Will & Isaias (juniors at Reedley High School and on Lee's football team) and Alexa (a helper with our jr high and a freshmen at the community college in town). The Lord challenged each of them and they responded eagerly to The Holy Spirit at work in, among, and around them. God is so good! Lee & I have every intention of continuing to nurture the relationships we developed there and help our young friends to remain accountable and sensitive to The Lord's spirit.
While in Guadalajara we spent each day life journaling and Lee and I have committed to doing this on a daily basis here at home. We read all of Judges and a good portion of 1 Cor. starting at chapter 10 on our trip. If you're in need of some good material, I recommend starting there and just seeing what The Lord has to reveal to you. We are loving being in the Word and it is truly transforming us and our marriage.
Our team still owes $1880 for our trip, but we are confident The Lord will provide. MBMSI has been gracious on granting us the extra time to raise the funds. Our tax return should help! :)
Some powerful scriptures I encountered during my time in GDL:
Judges 5:31b ". . .may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength."
Psalm 41:12 "In my integrity You uphold me & set me in your presence forever."
1 Cor 16:13 "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men and women of courage; be strong. Do EVERYTHING in love."
2 Cor 1:12b "We have done so not according to worldly wisdom, but according to God's grace."
Of course I recommend reading the associated passages for fuller understanding of each of these tiny excerpts.
God's blessings on all of you. Thank you for your prayers during our time away.
Thanks for sending me this link. I loved hearing a little glimpse into your trip and God's faithfulness while you were there! I greatly appreciate your prayers as I continue to prepare for Uganda and now, New York as well! It will truly be a crazy summer but I'm looking forward to having opportunites to see God's faithfulness! I continue also to pray for you as you prepare for the new addition to your family! God bless!